3.5" x 8.5" 14 pt. Cardstock Gloss Door Hangers - Qty 3000 - 2 sided Includes Tax

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Product Overview

3.5" x 8.5" 14 pt. Cardstock Gloss Door Hangers - Qty 3000 - 2 sided Includes Tax

Price includes $386.44 for 5000 qty -212.58 already paid = $173.86 is difference. 

$194 + $5 + $13.58 = $212.58

Full Bleed Size

3.73" x 8.73"

94.65 x 221.65 mm


Document Trim Size

3.49" x 8.49"

88.67 x 215.66 mm


Safety Area

3.26" x 8.25"

82.69 x 209.67 mm


To avoid white edges, extend your design to the full bleed size – but keep text and images within the safety area.

Create your print-ready file.
Download the template.
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