Partners On Hold Music and Messages - Industries Plans

Partners On Hold

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Product Overview

Partners On Hold-Music and Message On Hold Plans include 4-6 messages(paragraphs) in each audio production.

Partners on Hold plans make using music and messages on hold easy because we do all of the time consuming work for you. And instead of shouldering all of the cost of producing each on hold production you share the cost with 50 other like businesses throughout North America. We write the script based on what your type of business needs and then brand it to your business!  It's like high quality templates; the scripts are written with precision and the music is selected to match your business type and then it is branded to your specific business!

Partners On Hold plans allow you to quickly implement high quality on hold marketing at a fraction of the cost!  By allowing us to do what we do best you can concentrate on doing what you do best, running your business. Just choose the level of customization and options and we do the rest.

Our quarterly plans keep your messages applicable to the season which makes you sound like you are always up to speed with current information in your industry.

Here is a step by step process of how our plans work:

  1. Listen to our examples of work and samples of the scripts that you will receive
  2. Purchase the plan that fits your needs by choosing the desired options
  3. We contact your office and qualify your phone system/service in order to optimize the sound quality and effectiveness.
  4. We record the selections that you chose to customize and produce your first on hold marketing production
  5. Based on your "Updated Frequency" selection you will automatically receive your Quarterly or Annual updates that keep you sounding fresh and relevant throughout the year.

If you are using a VOIP phone service provider 95% of the time you won't need additional equipment.  If you have questions or need help with choosing a plan call us at877-877-5113 and press 3 for help with Partners On Hold Plans.

Click Here for more information and scroll down to listen to example of what you will be receiving.

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