DECT Dongle DD10K

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Product Overview

The Yealink DECT dongle DD10K not only enables T41S/T42S to work concurrently with Yealink DECT system as a handset after pairing with Yealink W60B DECT IP base station, but also enables T53/T53W/T54W/T57W/T58A/VP59 to work as a base station, which can be registered with up to 4 compatible Yealink W52H/W56H/W53H handsets.

Supported by a powerful transmission rate of 1152kbps/s, this solution provides you with a quick and reliable DECT connection without wiring or cabling troubles, and gives you the privilege to enjoy wireless communications in minutes. As a complement for Yealink DECT series, attaching DD10K to your desk phone offers you a new solution by combining the desk phone’s features with DECT capabilities.

Even more, Yealink DD10K is compliant with the CAT-iq 2.0 standards, and it is easy and safe to deploy, guaranteeing a flexible and optimal user experience.

Key Features and Benefits

• Supports Yealink SIP- T41S/T42S with FW or, Yealink T5 series.
• Reliable Connection
• Ease-of-use
• Plug and Play
• High Transmission Rate

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